

Monday, August 8, 2011

Matthew 28:19

So...if you haven't realized yet, I'm going on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been called to serve in the Georgia Atlanta mission and will be serving for a period of 18 months. AKA...a year and a half. When I think of just 'a year and a half', it's really not that long to me. It doesn't seem long enough! Granted, I will miss a lot of wonderful things here back home, but I really, in all seriousness, don't care. I would much rather be talking of Christ and His goodness 24/7 than anything else.

I never knew how real the adversary was until I started preparing for my mission. The second I started announcing that I was going and getting the papers ready, he was right at my side. Constantly taunting and hissing in my ear reasons why I shouldn't go "Girls like you don't go on missions." "All the boys you like will be married and gone...." "Boys don't like sister returned missionaries." Do you know how annoying that was? Not only was he throwing those in my face, but other frustrations and temptations as well. Anytime we try our very best to do something good, he will do his very best to stop us.  

I opened my mission call May 25, 2011. It was an experience that cannot be described. My departure date of August 31st seemed so far away...and now it's a mere three weeks. I wish my friends and family could understand or feel how excited I am. Sending out a missionary kicks butt, but to be the missionary...that's even better. I've tried to put into context how important this is to me to me family and friends and why I am going on a mission. It's not because I'm a 21 year old Mormon, Utah girl who isn't married yet and doesn't have anything else better to do. It's also not a reason to give boys a chance to grow up or make them realize what they're missing. It's plain and simple folks: When the Lord commands it, do it. I had incredible experiences two years before I even started thinking about a mission. Then a few months before I started the papers I had another one, which confirmed I was to go. (Clearly, they are not going to be shared on here).

My life has been full of difficulty, heartache and challenges that I would never wish upon another. However, those moments in my life, where I felt I couldn't breathe, felt abandoned, lost or angry, have become stepping stones for me and have made me that much stronger. I know I just sounded like a country song, but without those experiences, I wouldn't be that grateful of a person. 

I know that those experiences have prepared me for my mission and will become valuable on the mission as well.

I love this gospel with all my heart. We put so much focus on having the glamorous car, the sweet babes and gorgeous dudes, but all that doesn't matter. Stick to the gospel and everything will fall into it's proper place. I am so excited to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Atlanta. I have such a burning testimony of it's truth and burning testimony of Him. The Book of Mormon....it's true! I can't..put it into words? But I feel it every time I read and study the Book of Mormon. We are Sons and Daughters of the most glorious being in the universe. We were created in His image and it's safe to assume we walked and talked with Him before we came here. As a member of this church, one who was born with the fruit in my hands, it is my duty and responsibility to share the gospel with those who were not born with that same blessing. "Go ye therefore and teach all nations." That is what I intend to do.  

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oh hush.

I read something earlier today, online, that really bothered me. A friend had posted how their 'life sucked' and others started to comment with sympathy. And agreeing how much this persons life did in fact, suck. I became rather puzzled and then annoyed. I won't say what they were complaining about, I will just say it was a minor adjustment to their life.
I don't knows this person that well, why we are fb friends, I don't know. However, I am sure this person has gone through much in their life. So I cannot judge, however, if there is ONE THING I do not deal with well, it's the "My life SUCKS. I hate my life..." attitude. When in reality, and we've all heard it, it could be worse.
The other day while I was at work, a woman came in who was wheelchair bound, but MAN was she friendly. She came in looking for jewelry and pretty soon we were lost in conversation. She looked familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. She told me she lived at the care center across the street and was out for a stroll because it was such a beautiful day. She told me about the care she receives, the great nurses, how sad it is when someone passes away and how she recently just published a book of poems. This woman hasn't been able to drive since 1995, her accident (not sure what the accident was). She used to be paralyzed from the neck down, but due to miraculous surgeries and incredible help, she is now only paralyzed from the waist down. She has ambitions to get married in the Temple and move to Hawaii. She has participated in many pageants for women who are wheelchair bound and has won a few or has been the runner up. She loves to sing and has had many offers due to her love of singing.
This woman is incredible! She is stuck in a wheel chair 24/7, but takes on her days running. I can't count how many days of my week are completely opposite.

I could go on and on about people I know who have it bad: very sick children, or they are sick themselves. They have lost their children, gone through an awful divorce, lifelong health problems, abuse etc. The point of this post is not to bring on guilt, or tear you down or make you feel inferior. Notice the picture? 86,400 seconds in a DAY! What are we doing with it?? Are we wasting it? Or living up to it. Life does not suck.
Life is like a straw: It only sucks when you want it to. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

You get what you give...so don't be stupid.

Oh my word!! Saturday was quite the day! I truly don't know where to start, but I guess it's best to start at the beginning. It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining and there was just a skip in my step! My mother and I went for a walk that morning which she normally does with my little sister. I try and tag along on every one of them, it's hard due to work. So we're walkin along Parrish Lane in Centerville. It's a busy street, you've got places to eat on either side. Grocery stores on both sides, apartment complexes, etc. Well my mother and I cross paths with a jogger. She asks us where 'Tah-get' is..keep joggin, it's just right across the street on the west side of wal-mart. This girl has the accent I wish I had...she was Australian, or somewhere over there, very friendly. We continue onward and as we are in front of some apartments, I look down and there is a debit card right in front of me! I pick it up, it's not signed..it's bran new and I'm thinkin "The poor soul who lost this. They either don't know or they are in shear panic." My mom is telling me we can take it to the police at the gas station that's close or the Chase bank over by Tah-get. Then it hits me, "Mom..I bet it's that girls. $10 says it's hers." So we flip the other way and start trackin this girl down. I couldn't wait to find her! I just didn't want her to already be at the check stand..I'm sayin' countless prayers..I really wanted her to notice before she faced the cashier. We cross the street, she turns the corner, looking at the ground so intently. Not to mention the panicked look on her face as well..turns out, it was hers! She was so relieved! It popped out of her pocket while jogging and she was shocked, but so happy someone would return it. But the fact I felt like it was hers...coincidence? I don't think so. I continued on that walk with the biggest smile on my face and warmest feeling within my heart.

That day I went and got my temple dress and it is so beautiful!! I cannot wait to wear it! I was beaming when I got it and I couldn't believe that this moment in my life was/is coming. However, something else took place that day, something that is near to my heart. It's no secret that I love my family and it's going to be very difficult to be away from them for a year and a half. I do know, however, that not only myself, but my family will be richly blessed because of my decision to go on a mission. Moving on: I always wonder why some people in this life can never seem to catch a break. It hurts my heart to see those people taking blows, one right after the other. And of course, being myself, I want to fix it. I want to do everything I can to make it all better. Life doesn't always work that way, you can't just wish it away, but fortunately the Lord gives us friends and family to ease the pain of the burden or the burden itself. I have a family member, I'm not sayin if it's a cousin, sibling, so on so forth, who is in difficult circumstance. I want more than anything to take that from them. It's a circumstance that I never thought, in a million years, would happen within the bonds of my family. My mother pulls me aside and asks me if I have any church clothes (clearly this says it's a girl) that I don't wear anymore or that don't fit me, so she can wear something to church the next day. I go through my closet like a wild animal and sure enough, I do! Either things that don't fit or dresses that won't work once I'm endowed. It wasn't a big deal, just take them. She then messages me on FB and tells me how thankful she was and how much of a lifesaver  I was..See a need, fill a need. It's that simple.

My day ended with me having a heart attack. Figuratively speaking of course. I went on a date to the Real Salt Lake Soccer Game and had a great time, the game is over, everyone wanted to slaughter the refs, we walk to our car. I pull out my keys and as I'm searching for the key to my car...it's not there. I look at my hand and see key chains, the house key, but no car key. My heart sinks, I panic and wonder if my mind is playing tricks...it's not. My car key was lost somewhere within the distance of my car and the stadium. I alerted my date, we look in the car, no. Under, over, sideways, around, etc. We had parked in a dirt area that was also surrounded by weeds, grass, dirt...more weeds and grass. I mean, talk about trying to find a needle in a haystack. I was embarrassed and couldn't breathe all at the same time. He is searching one area of the grassy part and I'm searching another and saying prayer after prayer after PRAYER. WHERE IS MY KEY?!!? No spare, even if we got in, we can't start the car. Within 5 minutes, which felt like 20, I look over to my right at the sidewalk and THERE IT IS!! JUST LAYING THERE! No one had touched it the entire game! It had sat there for nearly 2 HOURS! I flipped out, I was so happy! All I could say was "Pay it forward! Pay it forward!" I'm sure Aaron thought I was nuts. So I explained to him what that meant...so I didn't sound too crazy.
I found this picture/quote and it describes perfectly my day on Saturday. I have had off days and my attitude was curt, had a short fuse, and extremely sarcastic. Those days where my attitude was like that, I basically got what I was dishing out. Why should I receive good if I can't give it? Life is about love and being compassionate and killing everyone with kindness. People say life is short, so make the best of it. I have always taken that as a selfish concept. So I'm going to put a new twist on it. "Life is short: So make the best of it for other people."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

45th and Broadway..

This just happens to be my favorite picture of ALL. TIME. Wanna know the story? August 15, 1945 on Broadway and 45th Street, Edith Shain joins thousands of people to celebrate the surrender of Japan. A Sailor suddenly grabs her and kisses her! Any woman's dream, right? That moment was caught by LIFE magazine photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt. The sailor, however, knew that the picture was being taken and curled his wrist so her face could be seen. Clearly...his efforts were unsuccessful.

This picture says so  many things. Hope, Love, peace, and tomorrow. The end of the war was a wonderful experience for those men and women, and this photo represents all those feelings.

So what's my obnoxious challenge for this week and upcoming going to be? Do/try something you've never done before. I'm not saying going and grab a man or woman and kiss 'em, but hey, you may make the front cover of a magazine and 35 years down the road become killer famous :) Step out of your comfort zone and experience what the days have to offer. It quite the thrill, if you allow it to happen :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today I received a fabulous note and at the end of it, it read
" think a new thought everyday."

That brought the biggest smile to my face :)
Unfortunately I am guilty of thinking about the same things over and over again...why do we do that? In thinking about it today, I believe it gives us comfort. It's a security matter; our comfort zone within our own mind. Relationships, past/present: We know the ins and outs of that person and what it would take to win them back; if necessary. Gossip: Well we keep up with it as if it's going to stop loving us. But y'all catch my drift? Right? Right. Imagine if you did think a new thought everyday...
You'd be walkin' on air...possibly learnin' new things too! The possibilities are endless! Conversations would never have a lull and dates..those might actually be fun again ;)
So don't think about all your worries..your cares and sorrows. Think about all the joy life gives us. And the surprises it brings. Think about the things you see throughout the day, the people you encounter. We were blessed with incredible minds!
Lets use 'em.. :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lace? Satin? A-line? Mermaid?

What will she wear?!!? Kate Middleton has a beautiful figure and quite frankly...likes to show it off. So does that mean a mermaid style gown?? Possibly. Or will she do a traditional, satin a-line gown? So, make your guess! What will Kate Middleton wear on the biggest day of her life?!!?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You are cordially invited....

To the marriage of
His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales, K.G.
Miss Catherine Middleton
at Westminster Abby
on Friday, 29th April, 2011 at 11:00 am

Can I just say how obsessed I am with this Royal Wedding?!!? It's fabulous, it's spectacular, it's absolutely superb. My mother was obsessed with his mother's wedding and now I am obsessed with his. I think Kate is stunning and is just too beautiful for words.       
Now I wanted to post a picture of their faces, but I was drawn to this and here is the reasoning behind that: (If you get the Parade magazine in Sunday's paper, you will know where I'm coming from) Walter Scott's 'Personality' section was all about the royal wedding and and a woman from Texas wrote in a question for William. Q: What influence did his parents' troubled relationship have on prince William? A: It made him cautious. "He's determined that his marriage won't end in divorce. He wanted to be sure Kate was the right woman," says Katie Nicholl, author of The Making of a Royal Romance, pointing to the couple's nine-year courtship. (This is the kicker for me) "He would only give his mother's ring to someone he'd spend the rest of his life with."
If you have 'kind of' followed Prince William at all, you know how much he adores and loves his mother, Diana. Now, if you are anything like me, down right traditional and sweet sentiments like receiving a mothers ring makes you ooze, prince William is an all around fabulous guy. He wasn't just going to give Diana's ring to anyone, he was going to give it to the one, and he did.
It's funny to read posts and what not on facebook about how annoyed people are with hearing about The Royal Wedding. Did you know I'm tired of hearing about your 'single' Relationship status? Every...five...seconds?          Or how dumb of a blond you REALLY are. If that moment in your life was that embarrassing, don't post it on fb. These same people that complain about royalty will gawk all day at the boob tube watching American Idol and Dancing with the Stars ...overrated? I for one am wishing William and Kate all the best ... they sure are classier than the likes of Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan ... besides, it is nice to see a good news story for a change, instead of all the doom and gloom stories about human behavior at its miserable worst!
So..if you have been following my posts, you will notice that I'm doing what I can to find positive in everything. However, there's no negative in this wedding. And ya know what, shame on you if you find it. These two people fell in love and now they are getting hitched and celebrating it. And better yet, they will not be following in Charles and Diana's footsteps....body language is easy to read folks :)
LONG LIVE THE KING AND QUEEN! (Which, by the way, Queen Catherine sounds so fabulous)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Eadeer!!

This is my beautiful kid sis whom I will not name :) She woke me up at 8 am this morning saying the cutest phrase I have ever heard her utter "Happy Eadeer, Nahnni" (She can't say Katherine and that's the closest it gets) I smiled my biggest smile and swepted her into the bed and kissed her face until every inch was covered. We looked so CUTE today! We were so matchy matchy today at church I was beside myself! I wanted to look just like her and I did! My dress was white with pleates on the skirt (my dress is/was very 1950's/Grace Kelly) I wore black flats to match this little darling and off we were to church! I'm not even sure I noticed the cute boys home for the holiday...I was too focused on the adorableness of my sister and I.
It's very very rare when my sister makes it through sacrament meeting. The pill and condoms are not the best birth control for teens. Having a young sibling, watching a sibling be born or taking care of an infant or toddler for a while is the best birth control out there. Not only will you be grossed out of your MIND, but you will be scared to death.
Anyway, off my soap box....my sister wanted to leave sacrament meeting because ya know, she has dominion over all of us. I for one, was not letting my matching buddy leave, so I decided to take her, but I wasn't letting her go home. It was the most gorgeous day today! So we went for a walk around our neighborhood to look at the flowers and just get her energy out. Now, a walk with her takes about an hour..maybe two. You have to look at every bug, listen for every dog bark and don't forget to pick up every rock and throw it. Thankfully I was in a Florine Maria mood, or else I would have been ticked. So we smelled flowers and we ran from the barking dogs (even though they were behind fences), we (meaning she) ran into peoples yards, we threw rocks AND we looked at bugs :) It was the most fun I have had on a walk by far. We went back to the church house to wait for the fam and of course, she was still a tyrant. Opening and closing doors is the most fun a 2 1/2 year old can ever have.
My sister and I were attached at the hip today, like we are most days when I'm not working or when I come home from work. I loved her as if she were my own the second I saw her. I had the incredible opportunity of watching her birth (which was a C-section, so not too grotesque). I will be putting in mission papers soon and she was a major determining factor for me if I should stay or if I should go. I will miss her more than I can convey.
Today was fabulous, no, today was glorious. I spent the day with my family and the majority of it smiling. My day was spent with my family, but my heart and mind was directed to my Savior. My testimony of Him is simple, but it's mine. In my mind, He did the most important thing. He did what His Father asked him to do. Jesus Christ was tempted, just like rest of us, but He did not fall into those temptations. He knew He was about His Fathers business. We too, have missions to complete and people to uplift. We are Sons and Daughters of the most glorious being in the universe. The adversary is as real as the noon day sun; I have felt his presence as I have been preparing to serve the Lord. As long as we are doing something positive, he will do whatever he can do bombard us with negative. We were born with the fruit in our hands, do not go on a fruitless surge seeking for something that leads to nothing. There is a reason the Great and Spacious building is called 'the Great and Spacious building'. There's nothing in there, but loneliness and despair.
I saw Christ in everything today. He was in the beautiful flowers that I smelled today, the air I inhaled, the yards I ran through :) and most importantly, my sweet sister. Christ is in the midst of us, as long as we are doing what's right.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Can you find it?

I'm always blown away with how hard we make it to find positive in the world. It's not, ladies and gentlemen. Granted, we may wake up in the morning late, with no breakfast, we don't get to work with the most ideal people, but ya know what? Who cares?! Just you. Here's the positive in that whole scenario: At least you did wake up, you HAVE food in your house and you have a job.

For me it is really REALLY hard to be a pessimist. I have tried, believe me, but my inner optimist always wins. Today was so busy at work today that my lunch got cold and my feet were killing me. However I worked with a bride and groom that really put a smile on my face. Granted they were so in love, I wanted to vomit, but that's beside the point. She had been in the day before and wanted to show her fiance the two dresses she was torn between (strike one, that's a no-no). As I was finished lacing her up into the gown, she walked out of the dressing room and her fiance lit up like a sparkler on the 4th of July. He stood up and could NOT stop smiling! She was beaming as well and then I realized I was smiling from ear to ear as well! He kept telling her how beautiful, hot, sexy, gorgeous, etc, she looked. He kept walking in circles around her, just stunned. I, for one, was blown away. I have never, in my two years of working there, seen a future groom, react that way. It was perfect, it was flawless and just the reaction she needed/was looking for.

My second positive/happy thing that caught my eye was simple and probably would have gone unnoticed to others, but I get distracted easily :) I was headed to a bridal shower this evening and as I was driving I saw and elderly couple walking with their grand kids. The grandma was holding the granddaughters hand while the grandpa was a few paces back and the grandson up a few steps. Why these scenarios bring me joy, I don't know. I could sit at a park and just people watch, most likely with a large smile on my face. My greatest memories are with my grandparents and I found it so fabulous to see this couple out walking with their grand kids! Yes, I'm old fashioned and quite traditional.
My challenge to you is to find the positive in your days. Whether it be the big or the small, it's everywhere! And most importantly, be grateful for the positive.