So...if you haven't realized yet, I'm going on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been called to serve in the Georgia Atlanta mission and will be serving for a period of 18 months. AKA...a year and a half. When I think of just 'a year and a half', it's really not that long to me. It doesn't seem long enough! Granted, I will miss a lot of wonderful things here back home, but I really, in all seriousness, don't care. I would much rather be talking of Christ and His goodness 24/7 than anything else.
I never knew how real the adversary was until I started preparing for my mission. The second I started announcing that I was going and getting the papers ready, he was right at my side. Constantly taunting and hissing in my ear reasons why I shouldn't go "Girls like you don't go on missions." "All the boys you like will be married and gone...." "Boys don't like sister returned missionaries." Do you know how annoying that was? Not only was he throwing those in my face, but other frustrations and temptations as well. Anytime we try our very best to do something good, he will do his very best to stop us.
I opened my mission call May 25, 2011. It was an experience that cannot be described. My departure date of August 31st seemed so far away...and now it's a mere three weeks. I wish my friends and family could understand or feel how excited I am. Sending out a missionary kicks butt, but to be the missionary...that's even better. I've tried to put into context how important this is to me to me family and friends and why I am going on a mission. It's not because I'm a 21 year old Mormon, Utah girl who isn't married yet and doesn't have anything else better to do. It's also not a reason to give boys a chance to grow up or make them realize what they're missing. It's plain and simple folks: When the Lord commands it, do it. I had incredible experiences two years before I even started thinking about a mission. Then a few months before I started the papers I had another one, which confirmed I was to go. (Clearly, they are not going to be shared on here).
My life has been full of difficulty, heartache and challenges that I would never wish upon another. However, those moments in my life, where I felt I couldn't breathe, felt abandoned, lost or angry, have become stepping stones for me and have made me that much stronger. I know I just sounded like a country song, but without those experiences, I wouldn't be that grateful of a person. I know that those experiences have prepared me for my mission and will become valuable on the mission as well.
I love this gospel with all my heart. We put so much focus on having the glamorous car, the sweet babes and gorgeous dudes, but all that doesn't matter. Stick to the gospel and everything will fall into it's proper place. I am so excited to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Atlanta. I have such a burning testimony of it's truth and burning testimony of Him. The Book of's true! I can't..put it into words? But I feel it every time I read and study the Book of Mormon. We are Sons and Daughters of the most glorious being in the universe. We were created in His image and it's safe to assume we walked and talked with Him before we came here. As a member of this church, one who was born with the fruit in my hands, it is my duty and responsibility to share the gospel with those who were not born with that same blessing. "Go ye therefore and teach all nations." That is what I intend to do.
Of course I want you to go, but I will miss reading this lovely blog and seeing your lovely face :( Oh bother.