

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Most Important Thing..

Family: It's about TIME, therefore, make it happen.

Regardless of how you view 'family', that could be friends who have nurtured for you, a church community that has never let you down, members within a community that have given you that TLC, the list goes on and on. I'd like us to pause and reflect on simply what is known as..FAMILY.
For the last 18 months, I was doing a volunteer mission for my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in Atlanta, Georgia. I had the opportunity to teach people and strengthen peoples faith about their Savior, Jesus Christ. I bring this up, not to boast, but for two reasons: #1-Some people do not even have a CLUE the ideals of family. LET ALONE THIS CAN GO ON INTO ETERNITY. #2-Being away from family (aka the loneliness factor) totally bites. When it seemed like all else was failing, I knew my family was back home cheering me on. There were days that that was all that kept me going.

Life gets hard, does it not? Sometimes life gives you lemons and you wanna say, "Screw it. I am NOT putting up the lemonade stand today." Unfortunately you do NOT get to have that attitude. ESPECIALLY with your family. There's Good, Better, and Best. When these crap-shoot moments come (which they will), channel that energy into turning your family into better. INTO BEST. Do not settle for mediocre: Of moderate quality; not very good.
There's a really great book, where brother is fighting against brother. And soon, nation against nation. However, there is a difference between these two nations. One fights merely for bloodshed, gain/victory, pride and glory. The other nation, fights for liberty, protection of his family (wife, children, brothers, sisters, etc.) land, and religion. Thousands upon THOUSANDS are killed between these two. Yet the nation that is...in a sense...humble, never gives up on their family and those whom they associate with.

Whatever higher power you believe in, whether it be the dog sitting next to you or God Almighty..that higher power did not put you in a family to quit. There's no crying in baseball, there's no worries, and NO GIVING UP ON FAMILIES.

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