This is my beautiful kid sis whom I will not name :) She woke me up at 8 am this morning saying the cutest phrase I have ever heard her utter "Happy Eadeer, Nahnni" (She can't say Katherine and that's the closest it gets) I smiled my biggest smile and swepted her into the bed and kissed her face until every inch was covered. We looked so CUTE today! We were so matchy matchy today at church I was beside myself! I wanted to look just like her and I did! My dress was white with pleates on the skirt (my dress is/was very 1950's/Grace Kelly) I wore black flats to match this little darling and off we were to church! I'm not even sure I noticed the cute boys home for the holiday...I was too focused on the adorableness of my sister and I.
It's very very rare when my sister makes it through sacrament meeting. The pill and condoms are not the best birth control for teens. Having a young sibling, watching a sibling be born or taking care of an infant or toddler for a while is the best birth control out there. Not only will you be grossed out of your MIND, but you will be scared to death.
Anyway, off my soap sister wanted to leave sacrament meeting because ya know, she has dominion over all of us. I for one, was not letting my matching buddy leave, so I decided to take her, but I wasn't letting her go home. It was the most gorgeous day today! So we went for a walk around our neighborhood to look at the flowers and just get her energy out. Now, a walk with her takes about an hour..maybe two. You have to look at every bug, listen for every dog bark and don't forget to pick up every rock and throw it. Thankfully I was in a Florine Maria mood, or else I would have been ticked. So we smelled flowers and we ran from the barking dogs (even though they were behind fences), we (meaning she) ran into peoples yards, we threw rocks AND we looked at bugs :) It was the most fun I have had on a walk by far. We went back to the church house to wait for the fam and of course, she was still a tyrant. Opening and closing doors is the most fun a 2 1/2 year old can ever have.
My sister and I were attached at the hip today, like we are most days when I'm not working or when I come home from work. I loved her as if she were my own the second I saw her. I had the incredible opportunity of watching her birth (which was a C-section, so not too grotesque). I will be putting in mission papers soon and she was a major determining factor for me if I should stay or if I should go. I will miss her more than I can convey.
Today was fabulous, no, today was glorious. I spent the day with my family and the majority of it smiling. My day was spent with my family, but my heart and mind was directed to my Savior. My testimony of Him is simple, but it's mine. In my mind, He did the most important thing. He did what His Father asked him to do. Jesus Christ was tempted, just like rest of us, but He did not fall into those temptations. He knew He was about His Fathers business. We too, have missions to complete and people to uplift. We are Sons and Daughters of the most glorious being in the universe. The adversary is as real as the noon day sun; I have felt his presence as I have been preparing to serve the Lord. As long as we are doing something positive, he will do whatever he can do bombard us with negative. We were born with the fruit in our hands, do not go on a fruitless surge seeking for something that leads to nothing. There is a reason the Great and Spacious building is called 'the Great and Spacious building'. There's nothing in there, but loneliness and despair.
I saw Christ in everything today. He was in the beautiful flowers that I smelled today, the air I inhaled, the yards I ran through :) and most importantly, my sweet sister. Christ is in the midst of us, as long as we are doing what's right.
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