You get what you don't be stupid.
Oh my word!! Saturday was quite the day! I truly don't know where to start, but I guess it's best to start at the beginning. It was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining and there was just a skip in my step! My mother and I went for a walk that morning which she normally does with my little sister. I try and tag along on every one of them, it's hard due to work. So we're walkin along Parrish Lane in Centerville. It's a busy street, you've got places to eat on either side. Grocery stores on both sides, apartment complexes, etc. Well my mother and I cross paths with a jogger. She asks us where 'Tah-get' is..keep joggin, it's just right across the street on the west side of wal-mart. This girl has the accent I wish I had...she was Australian, or somewhere over there, very friendly. We continue onward and as we are in front of some apartments, I look down and there is a debit card right in front of me! I pick it up, it's not's bran new and I'm thinkin "The poor soul who lost this. They either don't know or they are in shear panic." My mom is telling me we can take it to the police at the gas station that's close or the Chase bank over by Tah-get. Then it hits me, "Mom..I bet it's that girls. $10 says it's hers." So we flip the other way and start trackin this girl down. I couldn't wait to find her! I just didn't want her to already be at the check stand..I'm sayin' countless prayers..I really wanted her to notice before she faced the cashier. We cross the street, she turns the corner, looking at the ground so intently. Not to mention the panicked look on her face as well..turns out, it was hers! She was so relieved! It popped out of her pocket while jogging and she was shocked, but so happy someone would return it. But the fact I felt like it was hers...coincidence? I don't think so. I continued on that walk with the biggest smile on my face and warmest feeling within my heart.
That day I went and got my temple dress and it is so beautiful!! I cannot wait to wear it! I was beaming when I got it and I couldn't believe that this moment in my life was/is coming. However, something else took place that day, something that is near to my heart. It's no secret that I love my family and it's going to be very difficult to be away from them for a year and a half. I do know, however, that not only myself, but my family will be richly blessed because of my decision to go on a mission. Moving on: I always wonder why some people in this life can never seem to catch a break. It hurts my heart to see those people taking blows, one right after the other. And of course, being myself, I want to fix it. I want to do everything I can to make it all better. Life doesn't always work that way, you can't just wish it away, but fortunately the Lord gives us friends and family to ease the pain of the burden or the burden itself. I have a family member, I'm not sayin if it's a cousin, sibling, so on so forth, who is in difficult circumstance. I want more than anything to take that from them. It's a circumstance that I never thought, in a million years, would happen within the bonds of my family. My mother pulls me aside and asks me if I have any church clothes (clearly this says it's a girl) that I don't wear anymore or that don't fit me, so she can wear something to church the next day. I go through my closet like a wild animal and sure enough, I do! Either things that don't fit or dresses that won't work once I'm endowed. It wasn't a big deal, just take them. She then messages me on FB and tells me how thankful she was and how much of a lifesaver I was..See a need, fill a need. It's that simple.
My day ended with me having a heart attack. Figuratively speaking of course. I went on a date to the Real Salt Lake Soccer Game and had a great time, the game is over, everyone wanted to slaughter the refs, we walk to our car. I pull out my keys and as I'm searching for the key to my's not there. I look at my hand and see key chains, the house key, but no car key. My heart sinks, I panic and wonder if my mind is playing's not. My car key was lost somewhere within the distance of my car and the stadium. I alerted my date, we look in the car, no. Under, over, sideways, around, etc. We had parked in a dirt area that was also surrounded by weeds, grass, dirt...more weeds and grass. I mean, talk about trying to find a needle in a haystack. I was embarrassed and couldn't breathe all at the same time. He is searching one area of the grassy part and I'm searching another and saying prayer after prayer after PRAYER. WHERE IS MY KEY?!!? No spare, even if we got in, we can't start the car. Within 5 minutes, which felt like 20, I look over to my right at the sidewalk and THERE IT IS!! JUST LAYING THERE! No one had touched it the entire game! It had sat there for nearly 2 HOURS! I flipped out, I was so happy! All I could say was "Pay it forward! Pay it forward!" I'm sure Aaron thought I was nuts. So I explained to him what that I didn't sound too crazy.
I found this picture/quote and it describes perfectly my day on Saturday. I have had off days and my attitude was curt, had a short fuse, and extremely sarcastic. Those days where my attitude was like that, I basically got what I was dishing out. Why should I receive good if I can't give it? Life is about love and being compassionate and killing everyone with kindness. People say life is short, so make the best of it. I have always taken that as a selfish concept. So I'm going to put a new twist on it. "Life is short: So make the best of it for other people."
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