Most of us, I assume, have made a new years resolution to be healthier, exercise more, etc. How is that resolution going? Why is it that we make this same resolution year after year? Behavioral studies have shown that it takes 21 days for something to become a habitual thing. So you exercise that first 3 days, sore as all get out and commit to never put yourself through that much pain again. Am I right? Let me teach you something about YOUR BRAIN. Yes, yours.
We have in our brain, what is called circuits. This photo here displays perfectly what I am

talking about
It's several interconnected neurons that processes information simultaneously, adapting and learning from past patterns. They conduct impulses in a very coordinated mannered.
So think of things that come second nature to you..typing fast, an instrument you play, a foreign language you may speak. This is because YOU have a circuit in your brain set up for that specific activity. Put two and two together..what's this saying about something you DON'T know how to do?? There's no circuit!! This is where it gets cool...
When you are learning something new..the piano, language, EXERCISE, any skill really, YOUR BRAIN RECOGNIZES THERE IS NO CIRCUIT FOR WHAT YOU ARE DOING. THEREFORE, THE BRAIN ASSIGNS SO MANY NEURONS TO THIS ACTIVITY (every time you do it at least) SO THAT A CIRCUIT CAN BE CREATED! So the next time you attempt that new activity, it WILL be second nature because you allowed your brain to make it so.
Does this help you understand why healthy eating and exercise is hard for you? 1-your body is probably not used to something so strenuous and 2-neither is your brain. So don't kick yourself in the pants when you aren't keeping up. Your brain is working on it!
So sitting around and waiting for these circuits to be created..? Really not doing yourself a whole lot of good. Think of that quote I shared in the beginning. Waiting for something inspirational to happen to you and get you to do something, especially in health and are literally stunting your growth. In more ways than one. Health and fitness isn't about changing who you are. It's about enhancing who you are and what you have. However, this enhancement and growth cannot and will not happen if you sit. And wait.