

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Lessons from Powell

This last week I was able to go to Lake Powell for the first time EVER! It was truly, the best experience, hands down. I now know why people are so obsessed with that place. The only other place that could make me happier is Disneyland, but that's an entirely different post.

Pictured above, is a photo I took of The National Park Rainbow Bridge. Located deep within Lake Powell (buoy 49 NOT 29 fyi)

I learned that this bridge is a religious/sacred site for the majority of Native American tribes. However, another interesting fact that I learned, is the purpose of this post.

When the water level is high, and it makes its way through this canyon, they keep and maintain the water level at exactly 46 ft. Being the curious soul that I am, I inquired as to why. Above the 46 Ft water line, the rock is sandstone. Sandstone absorbs water which then causes erosion.
The rock BELOW the 46 Ft, however, is limestone. Limestone does not absorb water therefore, no erosion. Enabling this national park to preserve the beauty and structure of something so.... well, beautiful.

Hiking back to our boat (in 112* heat) I pondered on this new knowledge I had gained. I asked myself, "Am I sandstone? Or am I limestone? Do I allow the currents of life to become so out of control..whether it be family, friends, work, or just life? Which then causes me to erode in every aspect and lose MY beauty and structure?

.."OR am I limestone? Not allowing those currents to get out of control or become more powerful than myself. KEEPING and MAINTAINING my structure and beauty.."

So I leave this analogy with you. We're stronger than we think, more courageous than we feel. It is up to us to make sure that we do not erode, decay or lose the structure and beauty that each of us posses.

"...we were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Thoughts at the Pool

The other day, I took my sister swimming. We were gone for about 2 1/2 hours (needless to say, my tan looks good), but that is beside the point!

As I swam around, walked around, played with my sis..I couldn't help but notice others around me. I'm a people watcher, so it's inevitable. I was mostly, however, noticing the women around me. Now let's be honest, the majority of women DO NOT like to go swimming.

I couldn't help but notice the same thing over and over again. The lack of confidence. I saw one woman playing with her kids wearing yoga capri's and a workout shirt. I saw two women wearing men's swim trunks and tank tops. A young girl wearing surf shorts and a swim shirt. Lastly, I saw a MAN wearing cargo shorts, white crew neck and a plaid button up over that.

It was rather depressing to see all this. Now..I don't have the best body in the world.  However, I will rock what I have. With that said, I haven't always been that way. I've hated my legs for as long as I can remember. It wasn't until I started exercising and eating right that this whole mentality changed.

I kept asking myself, "Why am not ashamed of myself in this suit? I've never not felt ashamed in my suit." Then it dawned on me..I take care of my body. I see the muscle I've gained, my physical and mental strength, and most importantly, I've seen the confidence that I have built. How proud I am of myself.

Each of those people that I saw lacked just that. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been trying to hide themselves. Confidence goes a long way. Not only does it inspire others, but it inspires YOU.
And you..are pretty important.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


There's an old saying, "When it rains, it pours." Well I'd like to put my own spin on that...Not only does it pour, but a hurricane takes place. And then a tsunami.
I don't normally write religious posts, but regardless of faith, I do think we could all benefit from what's ahead..

I love to exercise. It's incredibly relaxing and I love how I feel afterwards. The last few days have been pretty tense, today being the icing on the cake. Or chocolate chips to the cookie (for those of you that don't like cake) The best stress reliever, if you will, is to go outside...at least for me. There is just something about being out in our Creator's footstool that is refreshing and detoxifying.

There's a hill that leads to the Bountiful LDS Temple that has such a steep incline, the only way to really get up it is by lunging. (you can imagine how my gluteus maximus feels right now) The incline was getting so steep that my legs started shaking. Halfway there, I started walking backwards. Then I switched it up some more and did side lunges with squats. I cannot tell you how many times I wanted to stop, convince myself that was good enough, turn around and head back. However, I told myself, "I set my goal as the temple. So the temple it is." Once I reached the very top of the hill, I started running. I finally reached the north corner of the temple lot and figured I would walk the rest of the way and cool down.

A rendition of Nearer, My God to Thee came up on my iPod and I could not take my eyes off the temple. I was overwhelmed and filled with an incredible desire to be near Him. It was to the point where I couldn't wait any longer. I started jogging...then running...pretty soon I was sprinting. The pain I felt in my legs and in my chest was unbearable, but realizing who (metaphorically speaking) I was running towards, I didn't want to stop.

Long story short, I made it. Exhausted and quite frankly, feeling broken, I made it.

There's nothing worse than feeling conflicted, compromised, worthless or trapped. One of the biggest testaments to me of a Supreme Being, is how quickly those feelings, when asked, are removed and immediately replaced with peace and assurance. Not because of outside sources like yoga, reading, food or shopping. But because the power and validity of those feelings is SO immediate...you KNOW it can't possibly come from anything else other than a power and source that is beyond anything you can comprehend.

I walked away feeling supported and sustained in all aspects. I honestly don't know what I'm trying to say with this. There's a lot we can live without. The Lord is not one of them. Similar to my walk/climb/run, life is exhausting. It hurts, giving up seems like a reasonable option. HOWEVER, we have to remember what the end goal is. It's not making sure you have a perfect body, dressed to match kids, or a smokin hot husband/wife.
It's Him.

There's good, better, best and perfect. Right now, I'm kind of close to good. There is only ONE person who can make me better, best and perfect. The
only way that can happen is if He is my end goal.

Monday, January 27, 2014

YOU are the inspiration

“The advice I like to give young artists, or really anybody who'll listen to me, is not to wait around for inspiration. Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to strike you in the brain, you are not going to make an awful lot of work. All the best ideas come out of the process; they come out of the work itself. Things occur to you. If you're sitting around trying to dream up a great art idea, you can sit there a long time before anything happens. But if you just get to work, something will occur to you and something else will occur to you and something else that you reject will push you in another direction. Inspiration is absolutely unnecessary and somehow deceptive. You feel like you need this great idea before you can get down to work, and I find that's almost never the case.”

Most of us, I assume, have made a new years resolution to be healthier, exercise more, etc. How is that resolution going? Why is it that we make this same resolution year after year? Behavioral studies have shown that it takes 21 days for something to become a habitual thing. So you exercise that first 3 days, sore as all get out and commit to never put yourself through that much pain again. Am I right? Let me teach you something about YOUR BRAIN. Yes, yours.
We have in our brain, what is called circuits. This photo here displays perfectly what I am

talking about
It's several interconnected neurons that processes information simultaneously, adapting and learning from past patterns. They conduct impulses in a very coordinated mannered.
So think of things that come second nature to you..typing fast, an instrument you play, a foreign language you may speak. This is because YOU have a circuit in your brain set up for that specific activity. Put two and two together..what's this saying about something you DON'T know how to do?? There's no circuit!! This is where it gets cool...
When you are learning something new..the piano, language, EXERCISE, any skill really, YOUR BRAIN RECOGNIZES THERE IS NO CIRCUIT FOR WHAT YOU ARE DOING. THEREFORE, THE BRAIN ASSIGNS SO MANY NEURONS TO THIS ACTIVITY (every time you do it at least) SO THAT A CIRCUIT CAN BE CREATED! So the next time you attempt that new activity, it WILL be second nature because you allowed your brain to make it so.
Does this help you understand why healthy eating and exercise is hard for you? 1-your body is probably not used to something so strenuous and 2-neither is your brain. So don't kick yourself in the pants when you aren't keeping up. Your brain is working on it!

So sitting around and waiting for these circuits to be created..? Really not doing yourself a whole lot of good. Think of that quote I shared in the beginning. Waiting for something inspirational to happen to you and get you to do something, especially in health and fitness..you are literally stunting your growth. In more ways than one. Health and fitness isn't about changing who you are. It's about enhancing who you are and what you have. However, this enhancement and growth cannot and will not happen if you sit. And wait.